Saturday, December 3, 2011

Monument Proposal

Joe Rogan has many interesting points about the nature of human kind and our reasons behind what we do and why we do it. He makes some startling comments that we may not agree with but in the same breathe, cannot ignore. I would like to create a massive sandwich 6-8 feet across. Bacon lettuce tomato mayo(spread) on white bread. The sandwich would be located on Venice beach, CA where it would be left to rot or be
eaten, and remade every year.

nImportant Cultural Roles.
nDo not look the same over time.
nHave to have memory.

nBridge Time and Place
nProminent Location
nCreate Context and Reference

Strategies and Ideas
nTake properties of monuments and contradict them. Eg large – small, hard – soft, negative space – corporeal.

nIse Shrine- Japanese Monument

Sandwich Proposal
nSemi-Annual Large Sandwich Creation
nLocation: Venice Beach, CA
n~ 6X5X5 ft
Materials: Bread, Meat, Lettuce, Tomato. Spread, permits and procedures.

Why is it improbable?

n Points out the ephemeral nature of all things
nEncourages consumption and gluttony


Steve Job's is one of the most extraordinary minds of our generation. He has pioneered the computer industry in hardware and software technology while building a multi-billion dollar company. He and his company, Apple, are laying the groundwork for later generations to continue in his legacy, in creating dynamic, simplistic, and superior computing machines.
My idea was to cast Jobs in porcelain sitting behind one of his first generation computers with his signature rimless glasses and balding head. I choose porcelain because of its longevity, and smooth flawless consistency. Apple hardware systems are user friendly and have simple lines and sleek design. The sculpture by Jeff Koons, Micheal and Bubbles, was a large inspiration of this piece. I would also locate this piece in his home town of Los Altos, where he started development on the first Apple computers.

Occupy Movements have sprung up all over the continent in the last few months. I thought of an idea using large block numerical numbers that would be easily readable. Having the 1% percent character balancing on the ball whilst carrying a tremendous number ninety nine's size and shape is seemingly precarious and eventually it will fall.

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